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Our favourite 3 ways to train muscles to failure
As a personal trainer, I have spent years perfecting my craft and discovering the most effective ways to train a muscle to failure for optimal muscle hypertrophy. In this blog post, I will detail the top 3 best ways to train a muscle to failure for the purpose of creating the most optimal muscle hypertrophy, which include Effective Reps, 1 and a half reps, and Drop Sets, and explain why they work so well.
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3 Key ways to Improve your motivation for exercise
Motivation is a crucial factor in achieving fitness goals. However, it can be challenging to maintain motivation over the long term. Here are the top 3 techniques and strategies to help improve motivation to go to the gym and exercise.
The Ultimate Guide to Meal Prep: How to Save Time and Reach Your Fitness Goals
Meal prepping is a powerful tool for reaching your fitness goals, but it can be difficult to know where to start. As a Personal Trainer, I’m here to provide you with the ultimate guide to meal prepping, including how to plan your macronutrients in order to achieve your goals and why a proper diet is key to your fitness success.
500 Calorie Challenge – The Results!
30 days ago I set out a plan to challenge myself. I aimed to burn 500 calories every single day, in one training session, in the shortest amount of time possible. I did this using my X Trainer (cross trainer) so I could burn more calories faster by increasing the resistance.
500 Calorie Daily Burnout update!
My 500 calorie burnout is certainly a challenge which I have a real love hate relationship for now. My times in general are getting better, but I am having to push harder and faster – staying consistent but increasing the intensity with every bit of determination I have to do better every day. It certainly has reminded me of the difference between simply doing a workout and training hard to get a result! Visually I have noticed a big difference in my appearance (you’ll have to wait another 2 weeks for the photo’s I’m afraid!), and my easter ‘gut’ has certainly disappeared.
500 Calorie Challenge! Day 1
If you’re on my mailing list then you will already know that I am doing a little a research into how sustainable it is to perform an exercise session which burns 500 calories in the shortest time possible, every single day for 30 days. My session will consist of ta-ba-ta and long slow distance training.