Weight loss Build Muscle HIIT and Personal Training in St Albans!


6 Week Kick Starter
One of our mottos is “Be the person you want to be”. We believe that we can help people become who they feel they should be in regards to their health and fitness. For some that could be all about developing a consistent routine. For others, it could be going to the gym for the first time and needing to learn where to start and what to do. You could even be an experienced athlete looking to literally kick start yourself into a whole new level of fitness.

Where ever you’re currently at or however you’re currently feeling, if you’re feeling ready to start your journey on becoming the person you want to be, then get off to the right start with an intensive 6 weeks of training with one of our Personal Trainers today!


6 Weeks, 18 Sessions


3x 1 Hour Training Sessions per week


Private studio or BodyLimits Gym


Special offer!
Enquire for details!

Be the person you want to be

Training Overview

Over the next 6 weeks you’ll be training 3x a week on a 1:1 basis with a Personal Trainer. This will be an intense 6 weeks designed to kick start you into your health and fitness journey. This can be done in a private studio or at BodyLimits Gym, or both.

Our 6 Week Kick Starters are designed for 1 of 3 types of situations. Either you’ll be:

  • a complete beginner looking to bump start their journey into fitness training
  • someone who hasn’t trained for a while and is looking to get back into a routine
  • an advanced athlete who is stuck on a plateau and wants to break through it

You’ll start and finish the 6 weeks with a health assessment, which will show you the results you achieve and encourage you to keep going once it’s finished. The 6 weeks can easily be tailored to your goals, whether they be strength based goals or you’re looking to overcome anxiety about going to the gym.

A Personal Trainer using the sled push machine at a St Albans gym
A client training upper body by performing dumbbell press ups and renegade rows, instructed by a Personal Trainer in St Albans
Personal Trainer in St Albans Performing a barbell squat with an olympic barbell in a squat rack at a St Albans gym
£99 off body limit's annual membership!

Take on any of our 1:1 in person Personal Training services and you'll receive £99 off an annual gym membership at Body Limit's gym!
Contact us for more details!

What you can expect

The training sessions themselves are 60 minutes. We don’t charge extra if they run over a bit as we always have 15 minutes between client sessions, allowing us time to prepare the studio ready for your session.
All sessions are planned as part of a programme we have written for you, and therefore will focus on the needs of your goals. In general, a typical session will be structured like this:

  • Warm up (targeted light stretching and movement patterns)
  • Mobility/Stability work (preparing your muscles and joints for the main workout)
  • Main workout (strength and conditioning, HIIT, and/or power training)
  • Core strengthening (a mix of dynamic, isometric, rotations, and anti-rotation/anti-flexion training)
  • Cool down (light cardio and stretching)

If you’re ever unsure how to do an exercise or stretch, our Personal Trainers will record a video for you showing you how. You can also access all your training programmes, sessions, and additional training resources via our very own training app!

Personal Trainer in St Albans performing barbell romanian deadlift (RDL) at a St Albans gym
A personal trainer practicing their bench press bench with a St Albans Personal Trainer at our private gym


Bottle of Water

Gym Towel

Training Wear

Book your free trial!

How to get started

If you're thinking about getting a Personal Trainer to help you with both your exercise and your nutrition, then get in touch using the contact form below, or via WhatsApp, and we'll schedule a call with you. That way, we can learn more about yourself, your health and fitness goals, as well as answer any questions you may have. 

During the call we'll also offer you a no obligation free trial which will give you the chance the meet your trainer and undertake a light training session at our studio. That way you can see if we are the right trainers for you. If you decide to take us on as your new personal trainers, we'll start with a Free Medical Onboarding Session. This is where we'll perform a full health assessment so we can fully understand where your health and fitness is currently at, as well make note of any injuries or concerns we need to know about so we can keep you as safe as possible.